Making sense of the digital society

How is the digitalisation influencing our society? Do algorithms and artificial intelligence improve our lives or do they reinforce social inequalities? How are our economies and infrastructures changing?

This podcast discusses the big questions of our net-based world. Excerpts from the “Making sense of the digital society” lecture series are complemented by explanations and background conversations. You will hear renowned scientists talk about their research and discuss key issues.

Each episode introduces you to one of seven big cluster topics surrounding digital transformation.

All materials mentioned in this podcast and a large number of other interesting resources can be found at and

Making sense of the digital society

Latest episodes

Digital past and digital futures (DE)

Digital past and digital futures (DE)

44m 52s

In order to understand the impact of digitalisation on our society, it helps to look to the past to understand the development of digitalisation as part of cultural history. At the same time, by considering future scenarios, we can recognize our current responsibility for helping to shape the digital society.

Artificial intelligence and algorithms

Artificial intelligence and algorithms

38m 30s

Artificial intelligence and algorithms are influencing our lives in unprecedented ways. Therefore, it is more important than ever to understand the mechanisms behind these developments and to address ethical issues of AI.

Democracy and the public

Democracy and the public

46m 22s

Digitalisation is transforming public life and politics, just like social and political communication - what developments are these changes leading to? How are our basic democratic values, the flow of information and political participation evolving?

Digital society

Digital society

44m 39s

The digitalisation of our world is bringing about a multitude of changes in our society: from the way we handle data to our social system to our economic and social order. What do these developments mean for fundamental principles such as equality and fairness? How can we understand the use of technologies that are becoming increasingly efficient but less accessible to the human mind?